7 Hottest Nail Colors for 2013 ...

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7 Hottest Nail Colors for 2013 ...

It's officially a new year, which means a new selection of the hottest nail colors to try out in 2013! The new nail colors coming out for 2013 so far are absolutely gorgeous and I personally can't wait to get them all! Just remember that this year, it looks like flashy nail colors are "out" and more subtle shades are "in." To get you started with creating the perfect "nail wardrobe" for the new year, here are 7 of the hottest nail colors for 2013!

1 Pale Nails

Pale NailsNeutral, sand or cream colored nails are a minimalist trend that’s been gaining momentum since last year and is already considered one of the hottest nail colors for 2013, especially during the spring season. This year, toning down your nails is the new "in" style. Pale nails are especially great when paired with a brightly colored or flashy outfit. They are also a super professional and clean style that is great at the office. If you don't like the neutral colored options, opt for a pale pink!

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2 Metallic Nails

If you are looking for something a bit flashier than pale neutral colored nails, metallic is another hot nail color this year. Gold, silver, or cooper will make great additions to your nail color selection. For those who want to experiment with the trend without going too far, try painting just your tips with a bit of sparkle or decorating one or two nails with specks of gold. Remember, a little goes a long way when it comes to using metallic colors on your nails!

3 Velvet Nails

Velvet coated nails only just came out this past summer so they haven't gained too big of a fan base yet. I believe they will gain some more momentum though this year and become one of the hottest nail colors of 2013. The velvet colors come in a dark purple, navy, or grey. Again, nothing too flashy, which seems to be "out" this year, and they have a very elegant look and feel to them.

4 Black Nails

Although many people hate black polish because they feel "gothic," black seems to be making a comeback in 2013! You can avoid looking "gothic" by pairing your black nails with a light or colorful outfit. Gray is also another color that is becoming popular this year, so if you're not ready for full on black, give gray a try. Add a splash of color by adding a design to your "accent nail," but like I keep mentioning, toned down nails are big this year!

5 Bright Tropical Nails

Dior has released photos of their new Cruise Collection Vernis 2013 nail polish line and it includes bright tropical colors! I know, this is completely going against what I just said earlier about toning down your nails, but they are just too fun! Especially for when the summer season comes around! There are three exclusive colors in this collection including, Mango (a warm yellow), Pastèque (a watermelon pink) and Lime (a fresh green). They are the absolute perfect colors for summer and are a must for anyone going on vacation!

6 Green Nails

Many people have been suggesting that green will be one of the hottest colors of the year in fashion — and in nails! Every shade of green from emerald to mint will be a must have for your fingers. Many of your favorite nail polish brands are already projected to release emerald shades in 2013. Mint has been popular for the past two years, especially during the spring season, so you really can't go wrong with trying out this pale but beautiful shade of green!

7 Jewel Toned Nails

Besides neutral nail colors, the other really hot trend for 2013 is darker, subtler nail colors. This is why jeweled tones are going to be big this year! Jewel tones include darker shades of reds, teals, purples, yellows, and greens. Use them as accents against a mostly black or neutral outfit just like you would if you were wearing actual jewels.

Sorry to those of you who enjoy brighter colors on your nails, but at least Dior did put out a line of really great tropical colors! But for those of you who do enjoy your nails being subtle, 2013 is going to be your favorite year! Just because your nail colors aren't immediately "eye catching" doesn't mean they don't still make a strong fashion statement. What nail color trend are you most looking forward to in 2013?

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