7 Fab Ways to Pamper Your Nails in between Manicures ...

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7 Fab Ways to Pamper Your Nails in between Manicures ...

I love the look of freshly painted nails. It’s the detail that makes me feel truly pulled together. But manicures can be hard on your nails, leaving them dry and brittle. Here are 7 ways to pamper your nails in between manicures so that they stay healthy and strong.

1 Let Them Breathe

Yves Saint Laurent, finger, pink, nail, nail care,One of the best things you can do for your nails is to just give them a day or two to breathe after you remove your nail polish. I’m not sure why this helps so much, but it does. It seems like my nails have less staining and yellowing when I give them a day or two to breathe. Overall, try to give your nails at least a few days to a week or so in between manicures to do all these things, starting with this one. After a day or two of rest for your nails, move on to the next steps.

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2 Do Some Maintenance Work

In between manicures is the time when you want to do some maintenance work. Cut and file your nails. File in one direction to make your nails less prone to developing splits. Push your cuticles back using an orange stick or cuticle stick. It always feels nice to give your nails some much needed attention.

3 Apply a Nail Treatment

After you let your nails breathe for a day or two, apply a nail treatment. It helps to keep them strong until you’re ready for your next manicure. There are many nail treatments you can choose from. Essie Millionails, OPI Nail Envy and Sally Hansen Hard as Nails are a few to try. This helps to prevent breakage and to keep them protected. It also gives them a hint of shine, which is nice.

4 Do a Full Hand Treatment

Have you ever treated yourself to a full hand treatment? They feel amazing! Mary Kay Satin Hands Pampering Set is one that’s easy to do at home. It’s a 3-step process that exfoliates and restores your hands. It leaves them feeling soft and smooth.

5 Apply Cuticle Oil

If you’re like me, I don’t like to add a lot of products on top of a manicure. So the time in between manicures is the perfect time to apply cuticle oil. This is a product designed especially for the specific needs of your cuticles. It softens them and makes them more manageable. It’s one of those extra little things you can do to make your hands look and feel lovely.

6 Take a Good Look at Your Nails

While your nails are in between manicures, take a good look at them. Your nails can tell you a lot about your health. If you notice anything unusual then be sure to see your doctor. You may also notice some things that are cosmetic, such as ridges that can be filled in with specific nail products, like Essie’s Ridge Filling Base Coat. Ridges can be a sign of a health issue but usually are just an annoyance.

7 Check Your Nail Polish Remover

Before you use your nail polish remover again, take a minute to read up on the ingredients. Nail polish removers with acetone are very hard on your nails. It can make them more prone to breakage. Choose one formulated without this ingredient. Also, try to go for a strengthening formula.

These are 7 ways you can pamper your nails in between manicures. What do you do for your nails to pamper them? I’d love to hear your tips!

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